Before starting, we recommend reading the form on this page and collating all of the relevant information that you have.
To protect your sensitive information, it's not possible to part complete your request and send it to us at a later time. However, there will be opportunity to add more information and upload documents after we receive your request.
We will use the information in this form to consider whether to conduct a needs assessment under the requirements of the Children & Families Act 2014 and the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
You understand that the information gathered will be processed for the purposes of deciding whether to conduct an assessment, provide an Education, Health and Care Plan and/or in recommending other services to you.
Information provided, as part of the EHC needs assessment and planning process, will be shared in whole or in part with agencies who have been referenced in, or contributed to the plan as making educational, health or social care provisions in the interest of the child or young person.
Other specified purposes under which the information will be shared include, but are not limited to;
· Disclosure to a tribunal
· Disclosure on the order of any court
· Disclosure to enable the performance of duties arising from the Disabled Persons Act 1986 or the Children Act 1989 relating to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
· Disclosure to Ofsted inspectors
· Disclosure in connection with an application for Disabled Student Allowance
We may also share relevant information on a confidential basis with the Department for Education and Local Government, other Government agencies and other public as required to meet our statutory obligations.
Where necessary information is shared to;
· find out urgently if a child is at risk of harm or if we need to help a child who is at risk of harm
· help an adult who is at risk of harm
· help prevent or detect a serious crime
We will not disclose the information provided as part of the EHC needs assessment and planning process without the consent of the child or young person, except for specified purposes or in the interests of the child or young person, as detailed above.
If a child does not have sufficient age or understanding to allow him or her to consent to such disclosure, the child’s parent/carer or someone with parental responsibility may give consent on the child’s behalf.
If you know of an individual or organisation that you do not wish information to be shared with, who are not acting the interest of the child or young person or for a specified purpose, please provide their details and your reason in the box below.
The meaning of ‘information’ in this context includes;
· the EHC Plan
· any representations
· evidence
· advice
· any other information relating to the creation of the EHC Plan
For further information about how Staffordshire County Council uses your data please visit Your data - Staffordshire County Council